pesos per diem

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

No time to spare

While I'm waiting for my sites to get indexed I decided to take a closer look at RSSG. At first glance it seemed a little confusing as my PHP skills have been learned from develping an osCommerce site but a little playing around made it clear it is quite a nice little tool.

Unlike many directory generators this one's page are generated on the fly through a single template file making it very easy to update all your pages without having to "regenerate" the whole site. This also makes for great page updates as the RSS feeds are re-generated after the cache has expired - leaving your site with new content for the search engines to gobble up.

If I have the time I would like to make it a little more user friendly, maybe making the config/generation process a series of forms. I'm going to watch and see if the current maintainer releases any new vesions as hopefully there will be some motivation as he should be making some $$ off of templates and custom installs.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Indexed after 2 days

Well my Unclaimed Money AIS site got indexed by MSN after only two days which is much faster than I expected. Not only that but it has already brought in $0.16 in Adsense earnings! Hopefully this pace will keep up. Now I guess I wait for Google to add the site to it's index.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

New AIS Tool

Another AIS blog I've been reading has announced a nice little AIS of their own in providing installation and templates for Really Simple Site Generator, an open source directory generator.

I took the liberty of downloading and installing the RSSG tool and it looks like a nice start to something great. I've already made some changes to the code and have ideas for other ways to improve the tool. Since I had another unused domain standing by I decided to put RSSG to the test over at Joomla Website Templates.

Google and MSN have already visited most of my pages within 12 hours of it going live so hopefully it will be incuded in their indexes soon. As time passes I'll keep an eye on the sites stats and will keep this blog updated with how things are going.

Friday, November 25, 2005

(Hopefully) Bright Future

I've been reading a bunch of AIS blogs lately and it seems like this AIS thing can really work if you put a bit of time into researching your "niche" as it's called in the AIS world.

I had a domain name that I haven't been using for anything so I decided to create an AIS site to see how it all works as there's only so much knowledge you can get by reading about AIS. Now I didn't really research my keywords as much as I might have been able to but since it's part of the learning process (and since I had some free time) I decided to forge ahead and create my first AIS site

Since I already had the domain I wanted to use keywords that might make sense so I settled on unclaimed money as it seems to be a bit of a niche. As well there are several related affilate products that can be sold along side it.

So if anybody's reading this take a look at I would appreciate any comments from AIS'ers that might be reading this.

My first blog

Well folks, I didn't think this day would ever come but I decided to give the whole blogging thing a try. I don't really know who the hell wants to read this stuff but I find something intriguing about the freedom of the written word so here it goes.